Every year, dozens of volunteers transform Rancho Los Cerritos’ historic house and gardens for the holidays. Each room tells a story about the traditions of people who live in California in the 19th century. The Foreman’s Room – This room is set to look as though a father, employed at the Rancho, has turned his bedroom[…]
Behind the Scenes: Holiday Decor at RLC
By Rancho Staff exhibits, history, Long Beach, Photos Dec 07, 2018
See us in “Inspired by This”
Image By Rancho Staff Cermonies, Engagement Photos, Events, Photos, Receptions, Weddings Oct 12, 2018
In the October edition of Inspired by This, Rancho Los Cerritos is featured as the beautiful backdrop to a Pastel Wedding Inspiration for the Modern Princess. This styled shoot showcases the Rancho’s green gardens, naturally aesthetic hues, and the ultimate vision for any bride-to-be. We are so grateful to all the vendors who helped[…]
February Walk at Rancho Los Cerritos Recap
By Rancho Staff Photos, Upcoming Events Feb 19, 2018
By Carolyn Vance El Dorado Audubon Society Another great walk at the Rancho! We started the day with a pair of Ravens flying over the parking lot, calling to each other. Our next bird was a nice Hermit thrush, followed by a small flock of Cedar waxwings flying over. A pair of California Scrub jays[…]
Rare Bird Seen at Rancho Los Cerritos
By Rancho Staff Long Beach, Photos Nov 29, 2017
Bird-watchers saw a gorgeous “Harlan’s” subspecies of red-tailed hawk on our November count at Rancho Los Cerritos in Long Beach, California. Originally thought to be a Zone-tailed hawk, the bird was later identified by Kimball Garrett, Ornithology Collections Manager at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (and the final word on bird ID)[…]
A Look Back at the Stardusk Dinner Dance
By Rancho Staff Events, Long Beach, Photos Oct 26, 2017
More than 150 people gathered in the moonlight on Sunday, Oct. 22, for the Stardusk Dinner Dance. The event raised funds for Rancho Los Cerritos’ award-winning educational programs. Thank you to everyone who attended for supporting RLC and making this evening special!
A Sonoran Bumblebee Buzzes Through our Long Beach Gardens
By Rancho Staff Gardens, Photos Sep 15, 2017
We were recently visited by a Sonoran Bumblebee (Bombus sonorus), a fuzzy insect native to the Sonoran desert and much of the western United States. Typical ground dwellers, the female workers forage for pollen and nectar to take back to the nest for storage as food for the young. Like many North American bees, the population[…]
Two Recent Baby Showers at Rancho Los Cerritos
Gallery By Rancho Staff Events, Long Beach, Photos, Receptions Aug 01, 2017
Rancho Los Cerritos hosted two beautiful baby showers in its gardens. Check out these photos for inspiration, and for info on how to book a private event at the Rancho email rancho@rancholoscerritos.org. We offer spaces for everything from your book club to corporate and nonprofit training sessions, baby showers to weddings!
Tomson & Wellstead Wedding
Gallery By Rancho Staff Cermonies, Engagement Photos, Events, Photos, Receptions, Weddings May 08, 2017
What a beautiful wedding! Although, we had some gusts of wind the wedding turned out to be such a lovely event. Their layout was unique and stunning!
We Were Published in Forever Bride! Check Out Our Photos
Gallery By Rancho Staff Cermonies, Engagement Photos, Events, Photos, Receptions, Weddings May 01, 2017
Forever Bride Blog
Gallery By Rancho Staff Cermonies, Engagement Photos, Events, Photos, Receptions, Weddings Apr 28, 2011
We were so pleased to host International Special Events Society, Orange County Chapter (ISES OCC) at Rancho Los Cerritos this past August for a roundtable discussion on industry trends. The evening’s highlights included tours of the adobe home and grounds with Living History docents, live music under the Moreton Bay Fig, delicious food presented by[…]