National Pollinator Week!
National Pollinator Week, a worldwide celebration, is from June 21-27 and is initiated and managed by Pollinator Partnership. The sole purpose of this week is to celebrate and encourage others to learn ways that we can protect pollinators. Many pollinators are increasingly being affected by the possibility of extinction and National Pollinator Week, approved by Senate 14 years ago, is one solution in addressing this issue. Pollinators are important in helping wildlife, sustaining thriving watersheds, and providing useful ecosystem services. In fact, around 75% of all flowering plant species need animal pollinators for reproduction. Therefore, pollinators contribute to ecosystem health and a sustainable food supply. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to have such beautiful gardens at the Rancho or provide the herbs from our herb garden to the public! Let’s celebrate pollinators this week and spread the word about what we can do to protect them such as preserving garden habitats like Rancho Los Cerritos.
Here are some pollinators that were recently spotted at the Rancho:
Mourning Cloak Butterfly
Dusky Winged Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
References + Resources: (planting guides to help create healthy habitats for pollinators)
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