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Ti’aat Dream Panel
Tongva educator Cindi Alvitre once dreamt of her ancestors paddling across a lake in wooden canoes – a dream that inspired both the formation of the Ti’at Society and the construction of Moomat ‘Ahiko (“Breath of the Ocean”), the first modern ti’aat (Tongva canoe) built in Southern California. Cindi Alvitre created this art piece from felt and abalone to illustrate her dream.
Loan courtesy of Cindi Alvitre
Ti’aat Materials
A traditional ti’aat (Tongva canoe) is built from redwood (1) or local pines. The inside of the ti’aat is coated with a mixture of asphaltum (tar) (shaanat) (2) and pine pitch (3) to make the vessel waterproof. Pine pitch is also mixed with red ochre pigment (oyii) (displayed inside shell) (4) to make a shellac for painting the ti’aat. Abalone (aapo) is used for the decorative inlays (5).
Loan courtesy of Craig Torres
Model Ti’aat
Soapstone carving of a ti’aat (6) by Chumash carver, Tony Ayala.
Loan courtesy of Cindi Alvitre